YUSD - YOC´s Stable Coin

YUSD is the currency used to invest and trade in projects. Thus, before investing in any company, users need to mint YUSD. YUSD is never bought or traded. It´s always minted or burned.

When 1 YUSD is minted, the price is always 1 USD. The “Mint YUSD” buttons are always present at investments and trade areas. So if you don´t have any or enough YUSD to invest on project tokens, you can very rapidly mint some YUSD.

YUSD is also a stable coin, paired with other popular, stable coins or chain coins (75%) and YOCx (25%).

Below you will find the list of the composition of YUSD in each chain:

Once you mint YUSD, the platform will lock within a smart contract 75% of the respective paired coin (see the table below) and 25% on YOCx.

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